The Republicans are even more diverse and include a radio talk-show host and a rancher.
The President says he will not sign the $85 billion labor, health and education bill unless the Republicans include financing for 100,000 new teachers in public schools.
Even Republicans who voted for the budget said they were less than enthusiastic about the deficits included in it.
Having studied the practices of network news, the Republicans have included some video presentations that they expect the networks not to carry.
Republicans in their platform have included a call for ballot initiatives to create or repeal laws for a decade.
Other Republicans that were occasionally mentioned as potential running mates include:
Both the Republican and Democratic party platforms included planks for the repeal of prohibition.
Republicans "included things that clearly are unacceptable to the president," like the pipeline, Mr. Hoyer said.
Republicans have included $7 million in the bill to provide vouchers for 2,000 low-income children to attend private schools.