"I think the case is a very strong one," the Republican Mayor said.
The Republican Mayor will meet with business leaders to discuss the percentage.
"The use of soft money has been made into an art form by Clinton campaigns," the Republican mayor said.
"I believe that impeachment should only occur when a President just about can't function anymore," the Republican Mayor said.
Next year's race could also be affected by how the Republican Mayor deals with the Democratic Governor.
The agreement follows the framework of the budget that the Republican Mayor proposed last month, although Council leaders won some concessions.
The Republican Mayor has vetoed five bills passed by the Democratic majority Council.
The Republican Mayor's decentralization proposals are not revolutionary - there's always been a tidal flow of power between the center and the provinces.
But when asked about the issue of succession, the Republican Mayor made clear - however coyly - that he hoped the commission would study it hard.
"This really helps the city tremendously," the Republican Mayor said, appearing beside five smiling, if weary-looking, labor leaders.
Of California's ten largest cities, two will have Republican mayors in 2013:
They were both Republican mayors who took office as development was beginning to explode in their communities.
Once, the very idea that New York City would elect two Republican mayors back-to-back seemed preposterous.
It was a nominally Republican mayor - Michael Bloomberg - who built upon Giuliani's accomplishments.
He was the fourth ever Republican elected mayor of Jersey City.
Colten hence joined Breaux as the first two Republican mayors in modern Louisiana history.
Both the public and many Republican mayors said that's naive.
Ten Republican mayors were elected against four Democratic mayors and all three vice mayors.
New York City, which is overwhelmingly Democratic, has elected two Republican mayors in a row.
This is his fourth term as Republican mayor in a village of 56,000 in which Democrats outnumber Republicans three to one.