Alabama Republicans were forever on the defensive, verbally and physically.
It was a full twenty years after the 1966 elections before Alabama Republicans won their state's governorship.
For Alabama Republicans, the admission is one more blow against the man they helped to become the state's first Republican governor in this century.
The senator, an Alabama Republican, said the committee would also call senior officials from the agency to find out why an investigation was not handled more promptly.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, said he was leery.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, said the room was so quiet "you could hear a pin drop."
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, for example, is concerned about the nation's reliance on imported oil.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, said he was "inclined to support" the generic drug bill.
But the answers clearly did not satisfy Mr. Shelby, an Alabama Republican.
Senator Jeff Sessions, Republican of Alabama, added, "Let's don't play games with their lives."