The Republican organization can no longer reward its political allies with fat contracts, patronage jobs and cozy labor settlements.
There are speeches from the candidates' representatives and a pitch from the local Republican organisation.
The Republican organization came on board in the last two weeks of the campaign and may have spelled the difference between victory and defeat for Thompson.
One man here at the mall, the treasurer of a local Republican organization, Michael Dunlap, 34, said he had bought them as rewards for his volunteers.
Although the two national political parties are involved, the Republican organization is far more engaged.
Chotiner served as liaison between the White House and Republican organizations in 31 states.
The Republican organization, unlike its Democratic namesake, is a political action committee with the legal authority to raise money.
Perhaps most important, the Republican organization in Clermont County, Ms. Schmidt's base, turned out voters in greater numbers than expected, pushing her over the top.
In 1975, when a referendum on replacing the board was held, the Republican organization led an effort to defeat it.
The Republican organization is focusing on trying to win back the Legislature, where the Democrats hold a bare one-vote margin, 10 seats to 9.