This assault forced the Republicans and freedmen to retreat as locals gave chase, killing an estimated fifteen protestors and wounding forty others.
The Republicans also retreated on their plan to kill all restrictions on the number of television and radio stations that can be owned by a single company.
In closed-door negotiations today, Republicans retreated on several key points.
The Democratic leaders feel that every time they move their health care bills toward the Republicans, the Republicans retreat further into their shell.
At the same time, the Republicans, facing Democratic denunciations and Republican doubts, retreated from a new attack on the President that they were about to broadcast.
Why are Republicans retreating?
The Democrats and Republicans retreated to separate receptions.
In the struggle oer the current budget, the Republicans retreated from many of their environmental proposals, including restrictions on enforcing pollution regulations and protecting endangered species.
Moreover, if Republicans under fire are retreating to this tried and true position, does that damage the hopes for further deficit reduction?
The conservative Republicans are retreating on every front.