Republicans will return to the Capitol the week after next to begin reorganizing for the coming session and could address the matter then.
Republicans have only returned a single check for $15,000.
Republicans have returned checks totaling just $231 of the $280 million they raised in the same period.
Republicans returned to office in 2000 fed up with the random do-goodery of the Clinton years.
Republicans have returned to their traditional role as the second party in a one-party state.
After the Republicans returned to national office, he was reinstalled in federal service.
In 1969, the Republicans returned to local power for another 38 years until the 2007 elections gave the Democrats control of the town board.
The Republicans would return about $800 billion of the future surplus to taxpayers in the form of a tax cut over 10 years.
Either the Republicans should return the money or these individuals need to recuse themselves.
After listening to the governor, Republicans immediately returned his resentful tone.