But not many Republicans - or Democrats, for that matter - have been rushing to claim the spotlight on the issue.
She argues that Republicans are rushing the cuts through because they "hope people forget about it before the next election."
The Republicans are rushing through Congress the greatest attempt in modern history to reward the wealthy at the expense of the poor.
Democrats also complained sharply that Republicans were rushing a vote on the amendment before it had the customary committee review.
Neither Republicans nor Democrats are rushing to associate themselves with a campaign to restore the vote to former felons.
"Meanwhile, the Republicans were rushing to do everything at once."
Republicans are not rushing to take credit for the new health insurance program that they are creating under pressure from the President.
"I had this feeling that when the Republicans rushed to approve the budget early Saturday, there would a lot of surprises ahead," she said.
Republicans rushed to throw Bill Clinton out of his presidency over the same allegation: misleading statements.
That is why Republicans were not rushing to the well.