"Still I cannot see how the Republicans can steal Louisiana or Florida."
The Republicans having stolen three states from us without rehearsal, can now, thanks to their recent criminal practices, efficiently steal six.
That way we don't have to hear forever how the Republicans stole another election.
Convinced that the political tide on gun control had turned in their favor, the Democrats were determined not to let Republicans steal any credit for seeming to advocate stricter regulation of firearms.
But today the Republicans were stealing their lines.
By embracing Social Security, the Republicans are stealing a page from President Clinton, who pioneered such tactics four years ago.
Dan believes that all organized religions are, at root, hypocritical, in line with his political conviction that "both the Republicans and Democrats will steal you blind."
IT was as if the Republicans had stolen the Democrats' favorite Nintendo game, or perhaps, considering the emphasis on traditionalism now trendy when talking of education, their little red wagon.
That was in 1876, when the Democrats charged that the Republicans had stolen the election for Rutherford B. Hayes, and even then, the inaugural went ahead on schedule.
I suppose it's good practice for when they claim the Republicans 'stole' Obama's re-election.