The Republican strategy of pitting the unemployed against the public work force is succeeding.
Thus, the Republican strategy is apparently to highlight what they call Democratic intransigence.
The Republican strategy seems to be paying off.
The Republican strategy of the past generation has been to confront such differences and accentuate them.
The Republican strategy is to develop campaign messages that are tailored for individual districts but coordinated on a national level.
Strangely, the Republican strategy sounds like a revenge match of a Denver mayoral race almost a decade ago.
The Republican strategy was to kill our proposal in committee.
Unfortunately, the Republican strategy since Sept. 11 has been to lard the stimulus bill with unnecessary tax benefits to those least in need of help.
Instead of producing a model of high growth and good-paying jobs, the Republican strategy has left the government unable to cover its basic obligations.
The Republican strategy seems to be to "just vote No!"