In response, the Republicans focused on illegal immigration and unveiled a proposal to prohibit illegal immigrants from attending public colleges and requiring sheriffs to check people's immingation status before releasing them from jail.
Recently, after months of running commercials that featured Mr. Dole, Republicans unveiled a new advertising campaign that promotes the records of vulnerable House members.
For their part, the Republicans unveiled their post-Labor Day advertisements on Wednesday.
Also on their Web site,, Republicans unveiled GOPlanit, a calendar that allows users to follow the activities of Republican candidates and organizations.
Republicans, Democrats and Hispanic rights groups in Texas unveiled competing plans on Friday to rapidly redraw several of the state's Congressional districts.
Standing behind a table covered with a red-checkered cloth, paper place mats and drawn-in silverware, Republicans in the state's House of Representatives today unveiled their "Kitchen Table Agenda" for 2001.
The Senate began a boisterous election-year debate on prescription drugs today as Democrats and Republicans unveiled competing proposals to add drug benefits to Medicare and to rein in pharmaceutical costs.
Republicans unveiled rival tax-cut plans.
Yet only two days after Republicans unveiled their proposal to commit 90 percent of the budget surplus in the next fiscal year to reducing the national debt, the plan is already having a political and policy impact.
The tide of anti-crime proposals floating around Albany rose yet higher today as Democrats and Republicans unveiled separate measures they hope will keep them at the forefront of this year's get-tough politics.