Republican primary voters are going to have to look at the field and say, 'Who do they want to lead?'
Republican primary voters are actually more radical than their Democratic counterparts.
But as more Republican voters have moved in, that balance has been shifting.
Republican voters are less supportive of the air strikes than Democrats.
But it sounded like something that many Republican voters would agree with.
Republican voters always have three votes in each election district statewide.
Two out of five Republican voters said they were unhappy with his performance.
So far, many Republican primary voters are dissatisfied with what they have seen.
Now, which of these two approaches will go down best with Republican primary voters?
Such a liberal image does not play well with most Republican voters.
What should Republican primary voters think about that?
In the same period, Republican voters calling themselves liberals fell from 15 percent to 8 percent.
This week, Republican voters should tell him, through their representatives in Congress, that a reshuffle of old faces is not enough.
Its about discussing what - in the these clowns - seems to be appealing to Republican voters.
Unlike Democrats, Republican voters have a long history of rejecting rebels and underdogs.
"But clearly these are attacks targeted at Republican voters, which attempt to intimidate them into not expressing their views and participating in the political process."
Perhaps the candidates were taking care not to damage their own reputations in their first large-scale introduction to Republican voters.
Instead of a fair contest on April 19, Republican voters will get a national embarrassment.
What they find is a collection of virtues that, taken together, have made a solid appeal to Republican voters.
In his first letter to Republican voters weeks ago, he said he understood they couldn't make a commitment right away.