He served as the deputy Republican whip and was Republican whip in 2007.
They were Bob Dole of Kansas as minority leader and Alan K. Simpson of Wyoming as Republican whip.
For example, the House Speaker, Jim Wright, was asked Thursday how he felt about the prospect of Newt Gingrich as Republican whip.
As Republican whip, Stevens was theoretically the favorite to succeed Baker, but lost to Dole in a fourth ballot.
Bunn, a Republican, was a member of the Oregon State Senate from 1987 to 1995, where he served as Republican whip from 1990 to 1995.
He also said that as Republican whip in the House in the 1980's, he enjoyed good relations with party moderates.
While in the Senate, he was Republican whip from 1933 to 1935, and chairman of the Committee on Patents (Seventy-second Congress).
Institutional reform would be spurred by having Mr. Gingrich, hero of the crusade to censure Mr. Wright, in place as Republican whip.
He served as Republican whip from 1944 to 1949 and Senate Minority Leader from 1949 to 1951.
Mr. Holbrook came to the job early last year after 12 years in the State House of Representatives, including 10 years as Republican whip.