His success this week has heightened interest in him as a potential political candidate in this Republican-leaning state.
In these mostly Republican-leaning states, people have begun to take painful note of the toll in Iraq.
One important question is how Democrats in Republican-leaning states will vote.
Blue dog A fiscally conservative Democrat, often from a Republican-leaning state.
The likely suspects: Democrats from Republican-leaning states who are up for re-election in 2006.
Some Democrats in Republican-leaning states said they would support the nomination.
Any Republican defection could provide cover for Democrats who want to oppose confirmation, protecting them politically in Republican-leaning states.
Republicans may have a chance at gaining seats in this election, as they can target several Democratic seats in Republican-leaning states.
Alaska is often characterized as a Republican-leaning state with strong libertarian tendencies.
Alabama, Louisiana and Nebraska are increasingly considered Republican-leaning states.