Respondents who looked after their parents at least 40 hours a week said they spent an average of $324 a month.
Many respondents said they were served water without being asked.
But nearly half the respondents said that would not influence their vote at all.
Nearly half the respondents said they watched the debate, a high figure.
Nearly half the respondents said too much was being spent on welfare.
Respondents generally said they are healthier than their parents were at the same age.
"Anyone could walk by and drop something in the food," said one respondent.
But even at that time, half the respondents aged 65 and older said they would rather live in the city.
Just over half the respondents said they did not think it necessary to know a public official's position on abortion.
For instance, in a 1981 poll about television, respondents said the meaning of the questions was clear to them.