The fourth season of the show was produced by Reveille Productions and Deedle-Dee Productions, both in association with Universal Media Studios.
It wasn't until 2007 that development began when Reveille Productions joined forces with The N to work on the series.
Shine acquired Reveille Productions in 2008.
NBC would air the program in a style structured like that of the adapted Ugly Betty, which was also produced under Silverman's Reveille Productions.
The ninth season of the show is produced by Reveille Productions and Deedle-Dee Productions, both in association with Universal Television.
The series premiered on August 21, 2008 and is produced by Reveille Productions, a division of Shine Group.
It was produced by Electric Dynamite, Reveille Productions, and Sony Pictures Television.
The multi-camera series was co-produced through Reveille Productions, Principato-Young Entertainment and Fox Television Studios.
It is produced by Reveille Productions and MGM Television.
Shine America originally started out as Reveille Productions, an independently-owned television and motion picture studio and production company based in Los Angeles.