Reverend Billy, though, is a rare instance of applying the practice powerfully in the information age.
In fact, "Reverend Billy" may finally be less a character than a mode of expression - one that, he has discovered, people will pay attention to.
For a while Reverend Billy was, in his words, "this month's flavor."
Reverend Billy called from the back of the store, an uninvited presence with a well-worn, husky voice.
Indeed, it is no surprise that Reverend Billy has not had much of an impact.
Reverend Billy says he tries to remain relatively low key.
They were married seven weeks ago at Burning Man, with the Reverend Billy officiating.
Reverend Billy was then arrested for trespassing and resisting an officer; his choir left peacefully after that.
Little Jimmy remembered what was the ultimate fate of the Reverend Billy.
Social change begins with the willingness to trespass and make a fool of yourself for what you believe in, Reverend Billy preaches.