Her 18-year-old son, Ylli Begu, an exchange student at Richland College in Dallas, is scheduled to attend the ceremony tonight.
Students can complete their last two years of high school at Richland College, taking college courses and earning college credits with a focus on mathematics, science, or engineering.
The team plays its home games in the stadium at Richland College.
An article by Richland College states that, "Richland College officially opened its Garland Campus on June 30, 2009.
Marinaj teaches English and Communications, among other courses, at Richland College, since 2001.
A syllabus from Luke Barber, a professor of philosophy at Richland College in Dallas, says, "I am very committed to laughter and play."
It is located on 9220 Restland Road near Richland College.
Through the 1850s the settlement was located around the present-day site of Richland College.
In fall 2007, Richland College introduced a new associate degree in digital forensics, which includes a specialization in IA.
In later years he also attended Richland College in Dallas, Texas were he studied AutoCAD.