"But we stay in the room because they like Rick Lazio."
Or they could be from Rick Lazio's own photo album.
Rick Lazio actually has a 96 percent voting attendance score.
Rick Lazio is a candidate who's a nice guy.
Rick Lazio has reached the age when his high school classmates are putting on weight and losing hair.
Rick Lazio - he does take care of his friends.
Rick Lazio's tax plan costs more than a trillion dollars.
Rick Lazio was given the opportunity to show courage and be a hero.
But Rick Lazio doesn't think the area needs targeted economic help.
I haven't seen Rick Lazio this much since high school.
"But we stay in the room because they like Rick Lazio."
Or they could be from Rick Lazio's own photo album.
Rick Lazio actually has a 96 percent voting attendance score.
Rick Lazio is a candidate who's a nice guy.
Rick Lazio has reached the age when his high school classmates are putting on weight and losing hair.
Rick Lazio - he does take care of his friends.
Rick Lazio's tax plan costs more than a trillion dollars.
Rick Lazio was given the opportunity to show courage and be a hero.
But Rick Lazio doesn't think the area needs targeted economic help.
I haven't seen Rick Lazio this much since high school.