He said he would also back state financing for a public defender program in Robeson County.
In 1787 the western part of the now much smaller county became Robeson County.
At least three bands organized in Robeson County; in 2010 they united as one group.
Over time, the tribe left their old villages and moved to live in the center of Robeson County.
Robeson County is one of the state's poorest counties and has long been torn by racial animosity.
Indian people have always occupied the land which is now considered Robeson County.
This dominated the otherwise agricultural economy of Robeson County throughout the nineteenth century.
"I think the people of Robeson County will understand that it's just another murder."
They just started showing up three years ago - drawn to rural Robeson County by the plant - and never left.
Robeson County has lost about a quarter of its jobs since that time.