From the opening of the Rochdale Canal in 1804 the development of mills continued on a much larger scale.
The Rochdale Canal runs alongside the street and the mill.
The tunnel was severed and became an arm of the Rochdale Canal.
An interesting stoneclad footbridge has been built over the Rochdale Canal.
The Rochdale Canal was authorised in 1794 and completed in 1804.
The Rochdale Canal made movement of raw materials and finished products a practical reality.
Castleton is served by the Rochdale Canal which officially opened in 1804.
Coal was transported out of the township via the Rochdale Canal.
In an effort to extinguish the fire water was pumped from the nearby Rochdale Canal.
Less extended in its construction was the Rochdale Canal, completed between 1794 and 1804; it had needed only two short tunnels.