Rochdale College, a centre of the 1960s-70s youth counter culture in Toronto, Canada.
After obtaining federal mortgages at well below the market rate, Campus Co-op incorporated Rochdale College in 1964.
Rochdale College was established as an alternative to what were considered traditional paternalistic and non-democratic governing bodies within university education.
Rochdale College never used traditional professors or structured classes.
"Love it or loathe it, Rochdale College is hard to dismiss even 20 years after its closing."
The book Rochdale College provides an inside story of Rochdale College and how it came about.
The Rochdale Tapes contain interviews with residents of Rochdale College.
It was recorded over two nights in 1971, in a makeshift studio at Toronto's Rochdale College.
She was a founding resident of Rochdale College, an experiment in student-run education and cooperative living, very much part of the zeitgeist of the era.
She went to Rome in 1966, after spending 12 months as a lecturer at Rochdale College of Art.