Via the Rock, Big Sioux and Missouri rivers, it is part of the watershed of the Mississippi River.
Ed Defender, a full-blooded Standing Rock Sioux from Albuquerque, N.M., is the artist, and he will be on hand for the exhibition.
Tiffany Midge is a Native American poet (enrolled member, Standing Rock Sioux).
A century of Federal education failed to teach the Standing Rock Sioux how to make money on their own, or how to join the increasingly prosperous settler economy that was growing up around them.
But, for now, the Government remains the largest source of shelter for the Standing Rock Sioux and many other Plains tribes.
In the case of the Fighting Sioux, the Spirit Lake Sioux has backed the nickname throughout this process (the Standing Rock Sioux have never voted on it).
Vine Deloria, Jr. (Standing Rock Sioux)
Philip Deloria (Standing Rock Sioux)
The Standing Rock Sioux, for instance - Sioux is not an Indian name.
At immediate issue before Judge Kornmann is a lawsuit filed against the corps by the Standing Rock Sioux.