After Rockefeller donated the museum's holdings to the Metropolitan Museum of Art, she moved to the Met in 1975 and remained there as an associate curator until the Rockefeller wing was finished.
At the tumultuous San Francisco convention in 1964, it was the Goldwater wing versus the Rockefeller wing.
One hopeful, Richard M. Rosenbaum, has deep roots in the liberal Rockefeller wing of the party and says he is crusading to "return the party to the moderates."
These are Republicans who shy away from what is left of the Rockefeller wing, but cannot identify with the delegates who dominated the Houston convention.
In his first two tries for a House seat, in 1974 and 1976, he was still in the liberal "Rockefeller wing" of the party.
He was considered a leader of the liberal Rockefeller wing of the New York State Republican Party.
The bowl at the Met is attributed to the so-called Buli Master, a 19th-century artist who was the subject of the first special exhibition organized in the Rockefeller wing, in 1980.
Like the West African musicians in the Rockefeller wing, Pippin's vivid, life-enhancing paintings speak of an immensely rich history in an undemonstrative common voice.
He has succeeded by tapping the pocketbooks of the more moderate Rockefeller wing of the party, and he has some powerful friends.