"The common bond is nature," said the curator of the show, Patricia Inglese, who teaches at the Rockland Center.
The program is sponsored by the Rockland Center for Holocaust Studies and it is open to the public free of charge.
Rockland Centre first opened in 1959, having only one floor except for a Morgan's store, and was built on a golf course.
In early 1980s a second floor, a multi-level parking lot and an Eaton's store were added; Rockland Centre became an enclosed mall.
Rockland Centre has three floors; the second and third floors are shopping space.
Ivanhoe Corporation owned interests in Rockland Centre starting in the 1970s.
Town officials and citizens have moved forward with efforts to revitalize Rockland Center.
The campus expanded once again with the 2006 opening of Rockland Center, a new student union and dining hall.
He joined the research section of the Rockland Center in 1956.
This year, the Rockland Center for the Arts has plunged into a similar, if smaller void.