The fifth one-man show, of Rodin bronzes, is presented by the Tasende Gallery of Los Angeles and La Jolla, Calif.
The text accompanying several small Rodin bronzes of female lovers explains how the artist veiled his true subject with mythological titles like "Bacchantes Embracing" or "The Sirens."
To design a show meant little more than making sure that the Tyrannosaurus rex wasn't taller than the ceiling or that the Rodin bronze wouldn't crush its pedestal.
The imprisoned figures look like Han Solo in carbon freeze or like Rodin bronzes, the rise and fall of their breath defamiliarized by the packaging.
As was also a Rodin bronze, four feet tall, a young ballerina seated on a tree stump.
Thus his back resembles a Cycladic statuette, his torso a Greek frieze, his feet a Rodin bronze.
"These tiny bronzes have something of the rough appearance, texture, dark color and vitality of Rodin bronzes," said Mr. Ward, who assembled the objects in the show.
The latter includes Rodin bronzes, Picasso ceramics, Matisse's Madonna sketches, and designs for ecclesiastical robes and, rather unexpectedly, a grotesque Francis Bacon pope.
Most of the Rodin bronzes will be reinstalled in the adjacent Iris and B. Gerald Cantor Gallery, also to open next month.
We imagine someone who, if asked, could easily instruct us in the esthetic significance of Rodin bronzes or Chinese scroll paintings, and who is equally adept at making toasts.