Under Roger Ames, who has been chairman of Warner Music for four years, the company has undergone a broad restructuring and improved its profitability.
When she leaves, "she will take with her our sincere gratitude, respect and admiration," said Roger Ames, the chairman and chief executive of Warner Music Group.
According to Roger Ames and Henry Rosemont, "Confucian normativity is defined by living one's family roles to maximum effect."
(Roger Ames, the Warner Music Group chief, said he had no plans to give music away.)
"A lot of people think he is destructive," said Roger Ames, chief executive of the Warner Music Group, who counts Mr. Azoff among his friends.
The student performers will be directed by Peter Flint and conducted by Roger Ames.
The book and lyrics are by Laura Harrington and the music is by Roger Ames.
The board's decision is also an apparent victory for Roger Ames, the chairman of the Warner Music division.
Roger Ames, the gregarious chief executive of the Warner Music Group, can hardly be confused with a laboratory scientist.
Roger Ames, the chief executive of Warner Music, would be chief executive of the new venture, which is to be based in New York.