But as his adviser and friend Roger Wilkins pointed out the other day, whole throngs of senators feel fully entitled to run for President.
The reporter and narrator, Roger Wilkins, looks back on the way Shaw, once a vibrant black community, got this way.
Roger Wilkins, a professor of history at George Mason University, said the President's greatest risk is to start an effort and then not follow through.
"This is not some kind of a victory lap," said Roger Wilkins, national coordinator of the visit.
A board member, Roger Wilkins, resigned in protest.
On the other hand, Roger Wilkins was by no means the only speaker whose views had been little softened by time.
Then I spoke with Roger Wilkins, a friend who is one of the most respected voices of the black community.
"A disgraceful performance by the President," opined the former civil rights activist Roger Wilkins.
Roger Wilkins (born March 25, 1932) is an African-American civil rights leader, professor of history, and journalist.
The office was led by Director General, Roger Wilkins, who resigned in 2006.
But as his adviser and friend Roger Wilkins pointed out the other day, whole throngs of senators feel fully entitled to run for President.
The reporter and narrator, Roger Wilkins, looks back on the way Shaw, once a vibrant black community, got this way.
Roger Wilkins, a professor of history at George Mason University, said the President's greatest risk is to start an effort and then not follow through.
"This is not some kind of a victory lap," said Roger Wilkins, national coordinator of the visit.
A board member, Roger Wilkins, resigned in protest.
On the other hand, Roger Wilkins was by no means the only speaker whose views had been little softened by time.
Then I spoke with Roger Wilkins, a friend who is one of the most respected voices of the black community.
"A disgraceful performance by the President," opined the former civil rights activist Roger Wilkins.
Roger Wilkins (born March 25, 1932) is an African-American civil rights leader, professor of history, and journalist.
The office was led by Director General, Roger Wilkins, who resigned in 2006.