Role of Transit Union Transit officials said the issue was complex, because crime in the subway is so much a matter of perception.
Thailand's Role in Fighting Diplomats said that coordinates for the shelling were provided by Thai forces.
Role says tuning these pathways up or down might be a reasonable aim.
Madison Avenue's Role "The main reason the networks are not going to go away is because of the advertisers," he said.
Role in Development Others say that it is not quite so simple.
Manhattan's Role "Manhattan you pay attention to," Mr. Netzer said.
Integral Role "To say anything like that would be very premature at this time," Diamond said.
Government's Role "The government cannot be the one to decide what is best for individuals," she said.
Roles, a coach for more than 20 years, said Mills was a special skater.
"Jesse has charisma, and that's something you're born with," Roles said.