It is 11:45 a.m. by the time he puts down the graying Rolodex cards with the names of diners and their owners.
I rolled through their Rolodex cards, noting that they knew people from all over the world, mostly scientific types, it seemed.
He pulled the Rolodex card from Bondurant's fingers.
He tapped the Rolodex card against the steering wheel.
Provide Rolodex cards or phone stickers preprinted with your business contact information.
Some companies have produced business cards in the shape of Rolodex cards, as a marketing idea.
He recalls, as well, the Rolodex card with their names and address.
He stops at a service station to ask directions to the address he remembers from the Rolodex card.
Jake picked up the Rolodex cards that pertained to Thomas, then walked out to the truck with Annie.
I pull a Rolodex card with Joley's address and walk out the side door.