The properties which had been used to create wealth were sold to the last Roman Catholic king of Denmark, Christian II.
Many scholars assume that the flamines existed at least from the time of the early Roman kings, before the establishment of the Republic.
He supported Rudolph I of Germany at his election as Roman king and became his son-in-law.
Roman kings were elected from each of Rome's major tribes in turn.
When Charles's health suffered, there was a panic in the House of Commons over the potential for the nation being ruled by a Roman Catholic king.
If this were the case, it would date from the time around 700 BC, when there were Roman kings.
In time of the ancient Roman kings inquisition was the standard method of criminal inquiry.
He was the last Roman Catholic king of Scotland, England, or Ireland.
Therefore, they elected a Roman king (rex), and vested in him their sovereign power.
'Are we now become like Roman kings who lord it over the people and claim every high place as their right?'