His sculpture of a Roman warrior is in Bromford, London.
The medal depicts a woman handing the keys of the city to a Roman warrior.
After a brief attempt to use a Roman warrior, the mascot became Otto the Orange for the school color.
A Roman warrior writhed in pain as pikemen stripped off his armor and cursed him for bleeding on their loot.
These figures were often disguised as Persian, Greek, Roman warriors and maidens.
Think on it- Roman warriors in the heart of Gaul.
More Roman warriors emerged from hiding in the surrounding woodlands, and the battle was fierce.
The gameplay of Ryse centers around the control of a Roman warrior.
At this time, it is likely that Roman warriors, both foot and mounted, were unarmoured, carrying only light shields and leather helmets.
Mr. Graves sleeps surrounded by classical figures, including the head of a Roman warrior.