He hopes to set up a rolling fund to help other Romanian babies with problems which could be treated in this country.
Despite Western help from dozens of charities and some governments, Romanian babies are still abandoned at alarming rates.
'Not only do Bernie and I love animals but we also love children and have recently sponsored two Romanian babies,' she says.
Their treatment shocked the world - how have the adopted Romanian babies recovered?
Bogdan Ursu, the Romanian baby who underwent a life-saving brain operation, leaves hospital today.
Aid worker Rod Jones was expected back in Middlesbrough today after an arduous trip to take milk to Romanian babies.
There will be fewer Romanian babies available for adoption in the future, Dr. Zugravescu said.
But to cope with recent requests for Romanian babies, the immigration service has allowed 177 children into the country, even though they had parents in Romania.
There were eight rows of chairs in the main waiting room and most of these were filled with American women holding Romanian babies and toddlers.
Some people, Christine says, may have gone through agonies with their Romanian babies.