In 1948 the mines were taken over by the Romanian state, with traditional small scale underground mining continuing until the late 1960s.
In 1921, he was officially summoned to be tried by a court-martial for "crime against the security of the Romanian state".
Since 2004, the town is also home for a beluga reproduction research station, financed by the Romanian state.
Under these figures the concept of a great Romanian socialist state was flaunted.
The Romanian state also has a minority stake of 45.99% in the company.
Much or his work dealt with and documented the formation of the early Romanian feudal states.
The passport is the property of the Romanian state.
His office involved disseminating propaganda in favor of the Romanian state.
"It is an event of the Romanian state, bad or good," he said.
The castle is on lease from the royal family to the Romanian state.