If there really is such a thing as a Romantic revival, this concerto should be a regular feature.
Lacroix is a true creative spirit and he has helped spur a romantic revival in Paris.
Because this decline occurred before the romantic revival of interest in the clans, the family never acquired its own tartan.
The rich oral tradition of the pesme made a great impression on writers and folklorists during the Romantic revival of the nineteenth century.
With the Romantic Viking revival of the early-to-mid 19th century, Odin's popularity increased again.
Like the romantic revivals of Western Europe the Russian revival was informed by a scholarly interest in the historic monuments of the nation.
EXACTLY what started the current romantic revival of cruising for adults is difficult, if not impossible, to document.
The Romantic revival in serious music arose in the 1960s after decades of relatively conservative and traditional offerings by the world's concert presenting organizations and record companies.
Hazlitt, as he nervously emerges here, is the ordinary mixed-up man confronting the hero-figure of the romantic revival, diffident amid the posturing.
Tabloid newspaper the Daily Star also printed an enthusiastic but largely inaccurate full page article depicting the scene as a straightforward New Romantic revival.