The Rome Statute provided that a review conference be held seven years after the entry into force, which happened in July 2002.
An amendment to the Rome Statute is needed to include ecocide as the fifth crime against peace.
Israel voted against the adoption of the Rome Statute but later signed it for a short period.
However, to become a reality, the Rome Statute must be ratified by 60 States.
It is interesting that only some 70 countries have signed the Rome Statute.
This is not just contrary to the Rome Statute but also to the general duty to prosecute international crimes.
One of them is the question of the Rome Statute.
She has also managed a project which brought together experts to develop model legislation for implementation of the Rome Statute.
The Rome Statute establishing the court was signed by 139 countries, and 76 have ratified it.
Nothing there comes close to the definition of apartheid under the 1998 Rome Statute".