He studied at Harvard under Felix Frankfurter, who became a justice on the Supreme Court in the Roosevelt era.
This is a thoughtful, accurate account of one of the most important figures of the Roosevelt era.
She reminds many of the old-school liberal activist of the Roosevelt era, and indeed, she described Eleanor Roosevelt as "my second mother."
"This program in a way is similar to the Roosevelt era, where he printed up new money to subsidize the banking industry," he said.
That began with John F. Kennedy, whose campaign promise to "get the country moving again" inspired the comparison with the Roosevelt era.
Some trees from the Roosevelt era, including a giant copper beech near the house, are still in excellent health and have decades of life left, she said.
The moment I began to think about the world at large coincided with the Roosevelt era.
He's a fictional detective of the San Francisco of the Roosevelt era, and I simulate that world on the holodeck.
President Kennedy told him how his records had inspired him when that President was a college student in the Roosevelt era.
I know it's very short - it started in the Roosevelt era when people looked at his first one hundred days.