On 17 June 1876, ten companies of the 3d Cavalry fought in the Battle of Rosebud Creek.
On 17 June 1876, Crook's column marched northward along the south fork of Rosebud Creek.
Crook initially directed his forces to seize the high ground north and south of the Rosebud Creek.
On June 17, 1876, Crook's forces were attacked at Rosebud Creek by the Sioux in strength.
Then you can make the short drive to the tiny village of Wayne, crossing the 11 one-lane bridges over Rosebud Creek.
"A place called Rosebud Creek."
It lends its name to nearby Rosebud Creek.
Gibbon's column rendezvoused on June 21, 1876 with General Terry's column at the mouth of Rosebud Creek.
On August 8, 1876, after Terry was further reinforced with the 5th Infantry, the expedition moved up Rosebud Creek in pursuit of the Lakota.
On 17 June, Crook's column set out at 0600, marching northward along the south fork of Rosebud Creek.