The Michael Bruno Memorial Award, initiated in 1999 by the Rothschild Foundation, is a highly prestigious and lucrative science prize.
The Judith Rothschild Foundation.
Last year it received Poussin's "Destruction and Sack of the Temple of Jerusalem" (1625-26) as a gift from the Rothschild Foundation.
He was a consultant to the Rothschild Foundation and other foundations and private philanthropists in Israel and abroad.
The museum announced the acquisition yesterday, saying it was made possible by a grant from Yad Hanadiv, the Rothschild Foundation in Israel.
Mr. Holzer said there was no quid pro quo with the Rothschild Foundation.
Earlier this year the Rothschild Foundation gave the National Gallery and the Philadelphia Museum their choice of paintings by Rothschild.
She is a non-exec director of The Rothschild Foundation and Breakthrough Breast Cancer.
Windmill Hill is the base for the Rothschild Foundation, in which any or all of Lord Rothschild's "four children and eight grandchildren may become involved".
Funding came directly from the government, and from the Rothschild Foundation.