SEPTA streetcar service along Girard Avenue is provided by the Route 15 trolley.
The Route 36 trolley runs along Elmwood Avenue through the heart of the neighborhood.
Earlier in the year the Route 53 (Wayne Avenue) trolley was eliminated on May 16, 1985, and transformed into bus route 57.
A transfer is available to the Route 15 trolley, which provides local service along Girard Avenue.
After passing through the commercial downtown, the road crosses SEPTA's Route 102 trolley at the Baltimore Pike station and running past more businesses.
Immediately after crossing the creek, the road comes to the Angora Loop at 61st Street, which serves as the terminus of SEPTA's Route 34 trolley.
The right of way of old Route 6 trolley is still visible along Edge Hill Road.
Finally, the Route 36 trolley is the longest trolly Green Line service.
Prior to that point the western terminus of the Route 36 trolley was moved around to several locations in southwestern Philadelphia.
Some Route 13 trolleys also terminate at the station, but the other public transportation consists of SEPTA Suburban Transit Division buses.