From the cheapest Metro to the new flagship 800 coupe, a Rover comes with a luxurious quality you will search hard to find in any rival.
Another Rover, similar to the first six, came floating around the corner.
The Rover came swinging through the gates.
In subsequent years, Rovers came 13th, 5th, 9th, 3rd and 11th.
"Rover one, Radkowski," Commander Radkowski's voice came over the radio.
At last Rover has come.
At the sound of his name, the Rover came about, causing the Dwarf to slow and turn, as well, which probably saved both their lives.
"When they say, 'Red Rover,' you can't come over every time."
Although Rovers came last in the play-off table, they retained their place in the top flight as the First Division was expanded to 18 clubs.
If they learned Rover had come, as they might very well- No, it would be too much to expect of kzinti, not to attack.