Accordingly, the Austrians resisted Russian diplomatic attempts to join the war on the Russian side.
Moscow would surely reject this interpretation, just as Washington rightly rejected Russian attempts to create similar loopholes for building prohibited radars in the 1980's.
The problem stemmed from a Russian attempt to improve the terms of the deal on Iraq's behalf, which was opposed by other council members.
Its success would somewhat compensate for the dismal record of several unsuccessful American and Russian attempts to explore Mars in the intervening years.
He was also noted for his strong attacks on Russian attempts to undermine the constitutional freedoms of Poland.
Russian attempts to encroach upon Turkmen territory began in earnest in the latter part of the nineteenth century.
The Bush administration sounded very stern this week in swatting down a tentative Russian attempt to work out a compromise with Tehran.
It has been argued that this initial opposition stemmed from a Russian attempt to stir up frustration within the merchant community of Tehran.
I urge the Commission and the Council to withstand Russian attempts to secure unilateral advantages in the European energy markets.
Selivanov halted the frontal assaults which had characterized earlier Russian attempts to subdue the fortress.