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Alexandra Patskevich (born November 4, 1988) is a Russian competitor in synchronized swimming.
Polina Malchikova (born 1986) is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor.
Russia will be represented in all the women's events, and furthermore, only five men's events will not feature a Russian competitor.
Andrei Gruzdev is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
Olga Shevchenko is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
Andrei Lamov (born 1986) is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
Russian competitors won forty-one medals, sixteen gold, eight silver and seventeen bronze, to finish eleventh in the medal table.
Ivan Kuzmin (born 1962) is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
Kirill Veselov is a Russian ski-orienteering competitor and world champion.
The companies are still catching up and are not nearly as well stocked as their Russian and French competitors.