In most areas, the Russian defenders had fled the fire and death raining from the predawn skies.
The Russian defenders consisted of the 44th and 58th Rifle Divisions, as well as various smaller elements of both the 12th and 14th Red Armies.
Direct frontal assaults on both Fort Erhlung and Fort Sungshu were once again beaten back by the Russian defenders.
It was the greatest concentration of artillery fire in the war up to that point, and had a tremendous effect on the morale of the Russian defenders.
Soult's 11,000 troops crossed the Linth River, surprising and defeating 13,000 Austrian and Russian defenders.
The combined assault drove off the Russian defenders and captured six field pieces.
Nevertheless, the Russian defenders were effecting disproportionate casualties each time the Japanese attacked.
He kept his eyes on the dark ten thousands walking and riding around him into the Russian defenders of Komsomolets.
The strength of the Russian defenders beyond the slope was unknown.
Fölkersam then went to the Russian defenders and told them that a withdrawal was taking place.