The French interest in Russian participation is focused slightly differently, however.
Russian participation would make it possible to provide Iran with a credible international guarantee of uranium enrichment and reprocessing services.
"I read the President's statement as leaving the door wide open for enhanced Russian participation," he said.
Even so, Russian participation was conspicuous by its absence.
But even the support role leaves many questions unanswered, including operational details that could threaten any Russian participation at all.
"The numbers of troops required are large, and we have always made clear we would welcome Russian participation," one official said.
One senior State Department official said Russian participation on this case could be traced to a number of factors.
But broad regional talks are the right approach, and they should include Japanese and Russian participation.
Uncertainty about Russian participation in Kyoto must not lead to paralysis.
It also reported that some partners, especially Japan, were cool to the request for Russian participation.