Morgan Shuster, for example, had to resign under tremendous British and Russian pressure on the royal court.
They were extradited from Georgia last year under intense Russian pressure, but have not yet been formally indicted.
The events nevertheless led to Prince Alexander's abdication on 7 September 1886 under Russian pressure.
But irked by Russian pressure, the republics have had second thoughts.
There is one way the West could help Russia, and at the same time reduce Russian pressure on its neighbors: debt relief.
By international standards, Russian pressure seems fair enough.
The conflict in Dagestan, not Russian pressure, is the real threat to oil development.
Prussia did go to war with Denmark, however, and was only stopped by British and Russian pressure.
The potential of Russian pressure combined with internal strains in eastern Ukraine, which would bear the weight of economic reform, is a real concern.
In 1838, Montenegro, under Russian pressure, signed a peace treaty with the Ottomans.