There is no question, though, that the 75-acre farm, just a short drive from the Rutgers campus, was coveted by commercial developers.
The Poppers live in a 1900's frame house, a mile from the Rutgers campus.
The Rutgers campus here is an odd mixture of leafy corner and urban sprawl - students get caught in traffic jams between classes.
"At the time, polling was new on the Rutgers campus and actually a relatively new profession."
Its offices are located on the Rutgers campus, and 250 members from the six institutions form its permanent members.
He arrived on the Rutgers campus 25 years ago with a specialty in turn-of the-century French graphic art, which became the core of the collection.
These brought workers to the Rutgers campus in unprecedented numbers.
Waters, 48, said he came away amazed by the Rutgers campus after interviewing on Monday and Tuesday.
Ten of those incidents occurred on the Rutgers campus.
In the meantime, right next to the Rutgers campus on the waterfront, there are more remarkable developments.