The passage ran in a slight S-shaped curve for about fifteen meters, then opened up into a relatively smaller cave.
As we saw in chapter 8, a logistic transformation can help straighten out a flat S-shaped curve (figure 8.5).
However, research on living animals has suggested that sauropod heads were held in an upright S-shaped curve.
It is characterized by an S-shaped curve relating heat flux to surface temperature difference.
It was a low, back-less, S-shaped curve of metal, with a little padding on the top for a seat.
When not erect, it is retracted into the body in an S-shaped curve.
These contractions form S-shaped curves that move down the body.
Shedding velocity, coming in toward Site 4 and the excavation in graceful, S-shaped curves.
The route makes an S-shaped curve, dipping south then turning back northwest as it approaches Barbourville.
The early portion of the mine is very narrow, completely filled with frass and bent several times in close S-shaped curves.