"Visitors from one of the savage nations... Oh, what was the name?"
He knew in that moment how it felt to be a berserker in one of the savage nations they had conquered.
The Equinots were a wild and savage nation, but this sudden display of magic dismayed even their leader.
He was described by Spanish authorities as a "gunsmith...who usually lives among the savage nations."
The Druids who occupied the island endeavored to prevent his settling there, and the savage nations on the adjoining shores incommoded%!
And again: "For 1,000 years this savage nation indulged itself in massacre; every now and then a big massacre or a little one.
One devout Catholic full-blooded Indian woman disowned her half-breed son for living "among the savage nations."
Word has it that in Campannlat, following the defeat you admin- istered to their various savage nations, civil wars have broken out and civilisation is already crumbling.
New Granada, the Yucatan, Paraguay, and the Brazils were, before discovered by the Europeans, inhabited by savage nations who had neither arts nor agriculture.
Kentucky was not owned by any Indian tribe, and was visited only by wandering war-parties and hunting-parties who came from among the savage nations living north of the Ohio or south of the Tennessee.