Round floppy, 50-wire SCSI and 68-wire SCSI cables- one of each in the longest size needed for the monster PC-70 for the essential case detailing.
Internal parallel SCSI cables are usually ribbons, with two or more 50-, 68-, or 80-pin connectors attached.
A specialized SCSI cable with a unique connector was required, however, to use any SCSI device on the PowerBook series.
He grounded himself carefully, disconnected the big SCSI cable from her GCC printer, grinned at us all, and put the end of it in his mouth like a midget harmonica.
The Fink Brain counterattacked at once, swarming up the SCSI cable and into the Internet.
The KW30 gave the W-30 the ability to behave as a SCSI Master device, and drive SCSI hard drives and CD-ROM players through a standard 25-pin SCSI cable.
(SCSI cables are the worst, in my experience.)
It used DD-50 (sometimes erroneously referred to as DB-50) connectors for its SCSI cables, a Sun specific design.
And then, five minutes or a million years later, Tommy Janssen had a brainstorm and stuck a SCSI cable in his mouth, and Solace joined us all in the telepathic hookup.