Each compute node controlled six SCSI disks as the primary controller and another six disks as a secondary controller.
This product was the RZ72, a 2 GB, 5.25" full-height, SCSI disk.
After the acquisition, Quantum tasked the Shrewsbury design team with developing the Atlas series of high-performance 10k (and later 15k) SCSI disks.
A partition on a SCSI disk on node 2 might be /dev/rdsk/n2c3b0t4d0s3.
It was often used when reinstalling the operating system of an Apple Macintosh computer, or to repair corrupt partition information on a SCSI hard disk.
Versions of the program that were bundled with A/UX, however, could be used with any SCSI disk.
For example, a heavily used index can be placed on a fast SCSI disk.
There is either one 424Mb or 1Gb 3.5-inch drive standard, up to two 3.5-inch SCSI hard disks and up to 26Gb external disk capacity.
Likewise SCSI hard disks are identified as for the first SCSI disk, etc.
Therefore this algorithm can be used to implement mutual exclusion on memory that lacks synchronisation primitives, e.g., a simple SCSI disk shared between two computers.